Wednesday, February 10, 2010

An update? Oh adventures coming up!

Buenas dias a todos!
As this blog (which has always been so faithfully updated...) may now occasionally be visited by our friends in NZ, we'll switch to English.
We are in the middle of packing, so I'll keep it short and sweet.
Richard, Bart and I are moving back to Europe at the end of February of this year. We've had 3 fantastic years here and lots of beautiful memories. We'll miss the place and especially friends we've met, but we're looking forward to being a bit closer to the Dutchland and family and friends there.
Scotland, Ireland....we don't know yet what we'll call home next. But first we're enjoying our freedom and we are going to work on an organic farm somewhere in Spain. It's something called WWOOF, Willing Workers on Organic Farms, which you can do almost anywhere in the world and which means working on a farm for a few hours a day and getting accommodation and food in return. Hopefully we'll have a little campervan to get us to places. Probably for 2-3 months...see how we go. We'll play it by ear.
Ok folks, that's all the romantic ideas and plans for now. Watch this space ; )
